Blog Category: Family Stories

Welcome to the place where we share our heart and happenings, news stories, social media posts, family experiences, and helpful articles about nurturing the growth and potential of every child.

Tommy benefits from RCP support

Tommy turned 3 years old and transitioned out of EI. The RCP Program continued to be a resource to his family and was critical in bringing referrals and other opportunities to them.

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A family with two children

PCCD’s Mission rings true for Maxxx Medina

Maxxx’s mom, Mariannie smiles and says, “my child’s growth exemplifies their dedication to (their mission) nurturing the growth and potential of every child. Maxxx is still growing, but I know he is being set up for success through the collaboration between our family and the PCCD team.”

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A family with two children

Everything at PCCD is truly great…

Nikki and MIchael, PCCD Parents noted, “Jordan not only helped Wyatt get to where he is, she helped us. She taught us how to communicate with Wyatt using basic signs, creating routines and suggesting we print pictures of his favorite foods to create magnets on our fridge.”

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A family with two children

The impact of a child’s first school experience

Woodbridge school parents Devin and Lindsay say, “ We’ve noticed that her language and preschool-level skills have drastically improved since starting at Woodbridge School. It truly feels like she learns something new every week, and she has fun doing it.

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A family with two children

Tears of Gratitude … and relief

Carolyn Pounds, an Anderson School mom said “the tears were those of gratitude that Whit is surrounded by people who care for him, who know him well enough to know when he is not himself, and who will watch over him with tenderness and compassion when we are not right there to do so ourselves.”

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A family sitting at the back of a red truck

EI at PCCD is a member of our family

Many parents need a little assistance when faced with developmental challenges with their children. Amy Brennan was not alone, she called, and PCCD answered. Some of the most useful information she gained from Early Intervention was not for her twin girls, but for herself.

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