Partners in Child Development is looking out for me as a woman and a mother.
“Let’s be honest, motherhood is not easy.” Said Wandaly Cortez, of Lawrence. With the love and care of the family, Partners in Child Development’s Early Intervention Program (EI) strives to provide support and coach families toward positive outcomes.
Wandaly’s children Novaly (20 months), and Malachi (5 months) are bright and happy, often getting outside to play in the park or explore their toys at home. It has not always been so carefree… Both children had colic, reflux, and milk allergies. Malachi’s issues were more intense. Wandaly shared that he would cry constantly, and she felt so bad “my poor baby… moments of peace and quiet were very rare.”
She went on to say, “Partners in Child Development’s Early Intervention Program has been a big part of my kids’ lives. So, you can imagine the work and effort their team put together to find resources to help me…”
Early Intervention providers, Tricia Baines-Arndt, PT and Shelby Balukonis, LICSW, had many conversations with Wandaly. She ultimately contacted the children’s pediatrician looking for ways to lessen the colicky episodes – which she said, “was a big help”.
Partners in Child Development’s Early Intervention Program is there for the entire family. As Novaly and Malachi’s mom said, “Not only do they shower me with resources for my kids, they also look out for me as a woman and as a mother. As a mother going through challenges with both pregnancies, I constantly needed reassurance in my role. They never, and I mean never, forget to remind me that I’m doing great. My kids’ team to me are like my kids’ second family.”