Challenging Behaviors in Young Children
Challenging behaviors in young children can be a frustration for the child, parents, and caregivers. The way people around them respond and react to a child’s behavior may lessen the frequency and save many tears.
Toddlers pushing boundaries is a very typical developmental activity. It is the screaming, hitting, tantrums, biting, pushing, and yelling, that are often the most concerning to parents. Leya Chepulis, Developmental Specialist in Partner in Child Development’s Early Intervention Services says, “It’s important to remember that tantrums and toddlers go together. Our little ones are trying to figure out the rules and boundaries. In order to do that they push to see how far they can go.”
Starting to set expectations and providing coping tools at a young age will yield healthy behaviors in the future. When the child reaches their teens, they will benefit from what they are learning now.
- WHY is this happening? Identify why the child is having this behavior. Is there a trigger?
- Model appropriate behavior. The way caregivers respond often lessens or escalates the child’s actions.
- Learn ways to manage behaviors. Using words instead of yelling, redirecting attention, and offering ways to ease frustration (count slowly to 10, Jump up and down 8 times or sing a song)
- Give praise when the child works around something that may have been a behavioral trigger.
- Predict behavior. Routines may be helpful as children navigate their day. Planning ahead will assist in predicting possible points of stress or frustration.
As parents and caregivers check their own behaviors, children will witness techniques to help with testing their own independence. Please remember, tantrums do happen. Getting through them with steady and measured reactions will help the child cope with their strong feelings. When caring for young children we often need to pick our battles and asking for support, if needed, is always a good choice.
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