The Importance of Play and Routine for Your Toddler
We are passionate about children, and helping each child maximize their potential. That is the essence of Partners in Child Development with our three programs:
Welcome to the place where we share our heart and happenings, news stories, social media posts, family experiences, and helpful articles about nurturing the growth and potential of every child.
We are passionate about children, and helping each child maximize their potential. That is the essence of Partners in Child Development with our three programs:
Families are always looking for something to do with their toddlers and preschool age children. Here are four of our fall favorites to find ways to promote developmentally appropriate activities within a child’s and family’s everyday life.
Listening, making sounds, singing songs, and exploring with music has a profound impact on a child’s development.
Wandaly’s children Novaly (20 months), and Malachi (5 months) are bright and happy, often getting outside to play in the park or explore their toys at home.
It’s a beautiful time of year and a wonderful time to explore the great outdoors.
Early Intervention Specialists Sintia Attubato and Shelby Balukonis share ways that PCD helps to bridge the gaps that may exist in caring for young children.
PCD EI offers Toddler and Parent/Child Playgroups in both our Lawrence and Andover locations.
Every child will eventually transition from EI, at age 3 or before. It is never too early to start to understand the process. “Turning Three Essentials” workshops provide information about the procedures for transitioning a child from early intervention (EI) to special education.
Child Early Intervention in Massachusetts and many other states is moving toward a coaching model that helps to support the parent/caregiver to help them identify, guide, and strategize about the child’s development throughout each day.
“I can’t express enough how appreciative we are for Early Intervention. My daughter Mia was almost 10 months and still hadn’t crawled….